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COCHRANE, Alta. - There'll be no need for ashtrays in one Alberta town on the weekend if residents take up a retiring pharmacist's call for all smokers to butt out for 24 hours. Kelly Kimmett persuade...
Jun 13, 2019
NEW YORK - Cuba Gooding Jr.'s lawyer said Thursday security video will exonerate the actor from allegations he groped a woman at a New York City night spot. Video from Magic Hour Rooftop Bar & Lou...
Jun 13, 2019
AMHERST, N.S. - Simple signs with a pair of blue hearts capture a small town's sentiments over the rescue of two young Maritime women from kidnappers in Ghana. A sign on the main street...
Jun 13, 2019
DEER LAKE, N.L. - Something strange is happening along the shores of a small lake in western Newfoundland. The lake, known as Bottomless Pond, started to rise last spring and hasn'...
Jun 13, 2019
Animal life in the world's oceans will drop steadily and consistently as the climate warms, a Canadian-led study suggests. "What we see is pretty consistent," said Derek Tittensor, a biologist at ...
Jun 13, 2019
OTTAWA - The House of Commons has backed a backbench MP's bid to have the government work to end veterans homelessness after days of partisan bickering over the fate of the private motion. The mo...
Jun 13, 2019
The status of Canada's largest park as a world heritage site remains wobbly as a UN body has expressed grave doubts about a plan to rescue Wood Buffalo National Park. The park - with one of the world'...
Jun 13, 2019
CHICAGO - Plans to build Barack Obama's $500 million presidential centre on Chicago's lakefront can move forward, a federal judge said Tuesday in dismissing an advocacy group's lawsuit objecting to th...
Jun 13, 2019
EDMONTON - The Alberta Court of Appeal has upheld an extradition order for a man facing terrorism charges in the United States. Abdullahi Ahmed Abdullahi, 34, has been charged in the U.S. with conspir...
Jun 13, 2019
OTTAWA - Canada's chief military judge took the witness box during his own court martial on Tuesday, testifying about his personal and professional relationship with his deputy - who is also the presi...
Jun 13, 2019