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Canada’s Schnoor makes mark in international rugby and Legends Football League

Sep 11, 2018 | 9:30 AM

It was called the Lingerie Football League when Stevi Schnoor started. Now, it’s the Legends Football League.

The game has changed and so have the uniforms. While there is still no shortage of cleavage on display, the focus is more on football. And Canada’s Schnoor is one of the LFL’s best, a three-time championship MVP who has no problem standing up for her sport. 

“The athletes that are all playing in there now are no joke,” said Schnoor, who did double duty as a linebacker/safety and running back for the Nashville Knights this season. “If you don’t know what you’re doing and you go in, you will get hurt.

“I’ve been hit probably just as hard or harder in this arena football league than I have playing (rugby) league or union.”

Schnoor, who turns 33 on Friday, knows of which she speaks. Having represented Canada in both rugby codes, most recently at the 2017 Women’s Rugby League World Cup in Australia, contact sports are nothing new to her.

And that is only part of Schnoor’s story. Away from the playing field, she is a middle-school teacher in her native Coquitlam, B.C.

Asked what her students think of her athletic exploits, Schnoor says they “think it’s pretty cool.”

“And honestly I don’t mind sharing with them because they get to see what goes into doing all these things,” she said.

Her students know she gets up at 5 a.m. to hit the gym before school and stays up late to study film of her opponents. And they see her eating healthy every day.

“It’s kind of cool that they get to see the behind the scenes and not just the glory of it all,” she added.

Schnoor says she’s had to get good at time management to make it all work.

“If you don’t plan it out right, you definitely don’t have enough hours in the day, that’s for sure.”

Schnoor started rugby union at 14, working her way up to B.C. and national age-group teams before winning three caps with the senior women’s side. She has coached high school rugby and continued to play club rugby until the schedule began to conflict with her LFL duties.

Her foray into rugby league came after she learned Canada was putting a team together for the World Cup. She made the team, which went on to beat Papua New Guinea for its first international win and reach the semifinals of the six team-tournament in Australia.

“Honestly, it was so awesome,” she said of the World Cup. 

She credits coach Mike Castle and his assistants for bringing the Canadian team so far in such a short period of time. She also fell in love with rugby league.

Schnoor had to dig deep into her vacation allotment to play for Canada, counting her lucky stars that her school district and principal were so supportive of the endeavour. Others supported her via a GoFundMe page.

“The bills don’t stop when you go on tour,” said Schnoor.

Schnoor joined the then-Lingerie Football League in 2012 when the league expanded to Canada and a high school friend suggested she join her in trying out.

She won the 2012 title with the B.C. Angels. The Canadian league took a hiatus the next season so she joined the Seattle Mist. She commuted five years to play for Seattle, winning titles in 2015 and ’17.

She played for Nashville this year, making it as far as the semifinals before losing 18-6 to the eventual champion Chicago Bliss in the Eastern Conference championship. 

Schnoor has a sense of style. After scoring against Omaha this season in a July game, she leapt on the boards and borrowed a beer from a nearby fan, taking a chug before handing it back.

A free drink is one of the few perks. LFL players don’t get paid.

Schnoor aside, Legends Football League is still fighting its earlier cheese-cake image.

In a March 2013 article for the International Review for the Sociology of Sport called “Garters on the gridiron: A critical reading of the lingerie football league,” Bobbi A. Knapp of Southern Illinois University wrote: “The level of sexual objectification of the women in the Lingerie Football League was comparable to soft porn.”

The LFL uniforms have come a long way, although not far enough for some. LFL players wear leggings (instead of the booty shorts used in the past), hockey-style helmets with visors, shoulder-pads and a shrug-like mini-jersey that leaves plenty of room for sports bras with a player’s number on the left breast.

“But if you look at beach volleyball in the Olympics and other sports, you still have super-skimpy outfits,” argued Schnoor.

“They are moving in the right direction but I guess it just takes time to do that,” she said of the LFL.

Schnoor, like some of her teammates, has taken to fundraising again to cover the costs of commuting to Nashville. But she says the sacrifice is worth it.

“I honestly love it. The atmosphere playing indoors — and they’re usually the smaller stadiums — you get 3,000, 4,000, 5,000 people out to a game, you fill that stadium and it just feels like there’s 60,000 people in there.

“In the 2015 Legends Cup, when we were in Seattle, I literally at one point had to stop and I was just like “Holy cow, this is so cool’ because it was so loud in there and just the atmosphere was so amazing. Honestly it’s not really something easily that’s come by in women’s sports because even (if) you go to certain sports, World Cup, Olympics and things like that, you’re still not getting massive crowds out. Maybe those big-time games, but anything else … you don’t have crowds like that.”

Schnoor’s nickname is The Bull. She doesn’t remember exactly when she got it, although she says she fought it for a while. Now she’s used to it and admits it fits when she runs over an opponent.

Somehow she has escaped injury, other than a broken nose (in Grade 7 rugby) and torn meniscus (in football).

“Besides those two injuries in over 20 years of contact sports, I’d say that’s pretty good,” she said.

And while she ponders whether her schedule can take another year of commuting to play in the LFL, she is keeping all doors open.

“I’m always open to new sports and new opportunities,” she said. “You never know where something’s going to take you and I love that about life. I think that I’ve got a lot of really cool opportunities from playing sports.”


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Neil Davidson, The Canadian Press