Community volunteers needed as Operation Red Nose enters 24th year
LETHBRIDGE – A staple of the holiday season in Lethbridge has returned, as Operation Red Nose prepares for its 24th year of operation in our city.
The program provides rides home for people in their own vehicles, so they don’t have to leave them behind leading up to Christmas and New Year’s Eve. There’s no fee for the service, although donations are accepted with proceeds supporting Pronghorn Athletics.
“Each team receives parts of whatever the donations are, based on their participation,” explained Ken McInnes, the university’s executive director for sport and recreation. “Every team has a different need – some might be strictly for travel, others it might be for equipment – so it goes right to the team that provides volunteers for that night.”
“Funding gives you opportunities for maybe new equipment… different pre-season things that maybe other teams don’t get to have,” added Tricia Van Vaerenbergh, a Pronghorns’ Women’s hockey player who is entering her fourth year of volunteering.