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Research Funding

Social Scientists at U of L receiving nearly $440,000 in funding

Jul 24, 2019 | 9:48 AM

LETHBRIDGE, AB – Graduate students and faculty members at the University of Lethbridge have received some research funding.

Close to $440,000 has been awarded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) in the form of six Insight Development Grants.

Dr. Robert LeBlanc (education) will study how immigrant teens in a rural Alberta meatpacking town learn the forms and meanings of stylized speech.

Dr. Glenda Bonifacio (women & gender studies) will examine how the election in the Philippines of Rodrigo Duterte has impacted foreign disaster aid and gender equality following the 2013 super typhoon Haiyan.

Dr. Rhiannon MacDonnell Mesler of the Dhillon School of Business in Calgary will look at how consumer identities can divide and unite. Dr. Paige Pope (kinesiology and physical education) will compare the effectiveness of various messages designed to reduce sedentary behaviour in older adults.

The U of L noted that other researchers receiving grants include Dr. Fangfang Li (psychology) and Noëlle Gunst-Leca (psychology).

Dr. Inge Genee (modern languages) received a Partnership Grant. Genee is a co-applicant on a University of Alberta-based project called ‘21st century tools for Indigenous languages’.

Dr. Carly Adams and Dr. Darren Aoki received an Insight Grant for their ‘Transforming Canadian Nikkei’ oral history project. They will continue to explore the cultural and social history of people of Japanese descent in southern Alberta from 1950 to the 21st century in partnership with the Galt Museum & Archives, Nikka Yuko Japanese Garden and the Nikkei Cultural Society of Lethbridge and Area.

Dr. Adams is a Board of Governors Research Chair (Tier II) as well as a kinesiology and physical education. Dr. Aoki is a professor in world history at the University of Plymouth and adjunct professor at the University of Lethbridge.

“The U of L’s success rate with Insight Development Grants was very positive, higher than the national average and continues our momentum,” Dr. Erasmus Okine, vice-president (research) said in a U of L news release.

“Our social scientists and humanities researchers are conducting leading-edge research and I heartily commend them for their efforts.”

In addition, several graduate students received SSHRC funding, including master’s students Jennifer Chernishenko, Margaret Ingram, Quinn Johnsson, Mary Siever, Michelle Sylvestre and Jaisie Walker and doctoral student Serena Visser.

Chernishenko will look into how girls’ mindsets (growth oriented or fixed) affects their sense of belonging and participation in sports. Siever is exploring the reasons why parenting and mothering in particular, receive minimal support in post-secondary study.

Sylvestre will examine how social issues and context get transferred into the medical world and how that is connected to consumption of pharmaceuticals in the world today. Visser will study the impact institutional norms and practices in the mental health system have on trans and gender-diverse people.