Lethbridge real estate agent fined $24,000 by Real Estate Council of Alberta
LETHBRIDGE, AB – The Real Estate Council of Alberta (RECA) has levied three administrative penalties against Lethbridge real estate professional Bradley Lyons totalling $24,000. The fines were levied on Feb.13, 2019, however the information doesn’t appear to have been included on the RECA website until recently.
The information, contained on the in the July case summaries section of the website, along with the Decisions and Appeals sections, outlines the three fines of $4,500, $4,500 and $15,000 respectively, and the reasons for the actions.
Bryan Douey, Communications and Connections Manager with the RECA explains first, what the Council does, and how it operates.
“The Real Estate Council of Alberta administers the Real Estate Act on behalf of the Alberta Government. IT sets the standards that real estate professionals have to meet in the province. We license those professionals, we educate them, and hold them accountable to the standards of practice that are in the Real Estate Act and the Real Estate Act Rules.”