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Medicine Hat-Cardston-Warner MP Glen Motz. (Supplied by

Firearms petition, introduced in southern Alberta, surpasses 100,000 signatures

Jan 24, 2020 | 3:53 PM

CARDSTON, AB – More than 100,000 Canadians have expressed their opposition to a proposed ban on “military-style assault rifles”.

Medicine Hat-Cardston-Warner MP Glen Motz created the e-2341 petition on December 17, 2019, declaring that, “We, the undersigned, citizens of Canada, call upon the Government of Canada to put any new firearms laws, bans, buyback programs or changes to licensing before the House of Commons to be debated.”

Motz claims in the petition that the use of an Order in Council to achieve this is “an egregious overreach of executive authorities, bypassing the democratic process of the House and the elected representatives of Canadians,” and would “strip law-abiding Canadians it has approved through the RCMP Canada Firearms Program, of their legally purchased property.”

According to the petition, the proposed buyback of legal, licensed firearms would cost taxpayers over $250,000,000.

He suggests instead using that money for other public safety issues like deterring youth from gangs, addiction treatment, mental health, strengthened border security, and increased police anti-gang capabilities.

As of January 24, the signature has garnered 103,838 signatures. That makes this petition the second-most-signed in Canadian history.

The last day to add your name to the petition is February 15.

You can access the petition online here.

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