High moisture – top canola storage risk for 2020
KENORA,ON. –– All canola should be conditioned immediately after combining to cool it down, even out the temperature throughout the bin and remove any moisture released through natural seed respiration that occurs in the first hours to weeks after harvest.
In some cases, canola will need some extra care to make it safe for long-term storage. A Canola Watch Twitter poll in mid-September asked farmers, “Which risk are you most concerned about for your binned (or soon to be binned) canola?” Forty-five per cent of respondents chose “Nothing major so far,” which is good, but 38 per cent said moisture, 10 per cent said green seed and seven per cent said dockage. This article describes each of these risks.
Moisture. The ideal moisture is eight per cent, but growers should consider moisture and temperature together. For example, eight per cent moisture is still too high if the grain temperature is 25°C or more, and 10 per cent is probably low enough if the grain temperature is cooled to 5°C degrees or less.