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Property tax notices being mailed out this week in Lethbridge

May 25, 2021 | 1:43 PM

LETHBRIDGE, AB – It’s every property owner’s favourite time of the year – tax season!

The City of Lethbridge will be mailing out 2021 Property Tax Notices on Wednesday, May 26.

If you do not get yours by June 7, you can log in to your MyCity account and register your property using the roll number and access code located on the Property Assessment Notice that was sent back in January.

Late payment penalties will not be waived if you did not receive your tax notice.

Taxes are due by June 30, 2021, but penalties will not be applied to any unpaid amounts until October 1. The city says this is meant to help property owners impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The following payment options are available.

  • Cheque or money order, made payable to the City of Lethbridge, can be mailed or dropped off at City Hall, 910 – 4th Avenue South, Lethbridge, Alberta, T1J 0P6
    • Please do not send cash by mail
    • The City has a secure mailbox located at the front doors of City Hall and a blue, drive-through drop box located in the traffic circle behind City Hall
  • Online or telephone banking can be used to pay your taxes electronically using the 13-digit roll number located in the top right section of your tax notice
  • Cash, cheques, and debit cards are accepted by cashiers on the main floor at City Hall when City Hall reopens
    • The City does not accept credit card payments

You have the option to pay your property taxes monthly using the city’s Tax Instalment Prepayment Plan (TIPP), which gives an annual discount credit of 0.75 per cent. More details here.

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