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Council approves 2022-31 capital project recommendations

Jun 1, 2021 | 4:11 PM

LETHBRIDGE, AB– After delaying Lethbridge City Council’s vote for two weeks on whether to approve the recommendations of the Capital Improvement Projects (CIP), council approved these projects to its next stage.

READ MORE: Council postpones capital projects decision to seek public feedback

In a vote of 7-2 in favour of the recommendations, councillors reinstated the delay of the decision was to give members of the public more time to look over the projects and provide feedback to council.

During the week of the CIP deliberations, many proposed projects were given the green light to be talked about by city councillors.

The CIP will dictate which infrastructure projects the city will likely fund and work on over the next decade.

One of the votes opposed to the recommendations and the overall CIP process, councillor Joe Mauro sat out the second half of CIP deliberations after voicing his frustrations with the process.

READ MORE: Councillor Mauro leaves budget talks, calls process “flawed, unequal, unfair”

Listed below are just some of the highlights from the proposed CIP recommendations that were approved from city council.

  • Electric Bus and Charging Infrastructure:
    • The Economic SPC voted 7-1 to recommend including the following Section D – Community project: Electric Bus and Charging Infrastructure as identified on Page 14 of the Community Projects Unfunded, as amended. Councillor Jeff Carlson proposed an amendment that the Electric Bus and Charging Infrastructure CIP be amended to show $8,812,000 as funded in 2023 with the remaining equipment and furnishings as undetermined funding and that $399,400 in 2022 be approved. A CIP amendment could also follow to Council later this year, based on new Federal grant information.
  • Performing Arts Centre:
    • The Economic SPC voted 7-1 (Coun. Mauro not present) to recommend including the following Section D – Community project: Performing Arts Centre as identified on Page 48 of the Community Projects Unfunded, as amended twice. Councillor Jeff Carlson proposed an amendment that the project Performing Arts Centre be amended by amending the prior amount from $375,000 to $229,000 and reallocate $146,000 to 2022. It carried 8-0. Councillor Jeff Coffman proposed an amendment that the City of Lethbridge’s maximum contribution on a Performing Arts Centre be capped at $75 million. It carried 6-2.
  • E-7 Waste & Recycling Curbside Organics Collection (removed from the omnibus motion in a 7-1 vote on Monday):
    • The Economic SPC voted 5-4 to recommend including the following funded project: E-7 Waste & Recycling Curbside Organics Collection. Councillor Jeff Coffman had made a motion to postpone this item to January 2022 to allow for further community engagement. It was defeated in a 5-4 vote.
  • River Valley Ridership Study and Analysis:
    • The Economic SPC voted 5-2 (Councillor Belinda Crowson had technical difficulties and was not able to vote) to recommend including the following Section D – Community project: River Valley Ridership Study and Analysis as identified on Page 43 of the Community Projects Unfunded, as amended. Total funding would be $64,000 in 2022. Mayor Chris Spearman proposed the amendment to recommend the amount of $64,000, in addition to the previously approved $100,000. It carried 6-2.
  • Outdoor Sports Court:
    • The Economic SPC voted unanimously 8-0 to recommend including the following Section D – Community project: Outdoor Sports Court as identified on Page 19 of the Community Projects Unfunded, as amended. Total funding would be a maximum of $900,000 in 2022. Councillor Rob Miyashiro proposed an amendment that Economic SPC approve two courts at a cost of no more than $900,000. It carried 8-0.
  • Crossings Branch Expansion and Enhancement:
    • The Economic SPC voted 7-1 to recommend including the following Section D – Community project: Crossings Branch Expansion and Enhancement as identified on Page 20 of the Community Projects Unfunded. Total City funding would be for $480,000 in 2022 of the total proposed project’s $947,000 proposed cost.
  • Galt No. 6 Mine Interpretative Park:
    • The Economic SPC voted 6-2 to recommend including the following Section D – Community project: Galt No. 6 Mine Interpretative Park as identified on Page 21 of the Community Projects Unfunded. Total City funding would be $910,000 in 2023 of the total proposed project’s $2.7 million proposed cost. Councillor Blaine Hyggen had proposed an amendment that the funding be moved to 2026. It was defeated 6-2.
  • New School Site Development (west side):
    • The Economic SPC voted unanimously 8-0 to recommend including the following Section D – Community project: New School Site Development as identified on Page 23 of the Community Projects Unfunded, as amended. Councillor Jeff Carlson proposed an amendment that the funding be moved from 2025 to 2022 and be funded as follows: $850,000 from City’s subdivision surplus and $850,000 from developer contribution. It carried 8-0.
  • Arena Replacement (Civic Ice Centre – in 2027):
    • The Economic SPC voted unanimously 8-0 to recommend including the following Section D – Community project: Arena Replacement as identified on Page 32 of the Community Projects Unfunded. Proposed funding for the proposed project is outside the current proposed cycle.
  • Lethbridge Police Service Master Plan (hire a consultant):
    • The Economic SPC voted unanimously 8-0 to recommend including the following Section D – Community project: Lethbridge Police Service Master Plan as identified on Page 38 of the Community Projects Unfunded. Total funding would be $320,000 in 2022.
  • Fire Station #3 – 16 Ave S. Relocation:
    • The Economic SPC voted unanimously 8-0 (Coun. Mauro not present) to recommend including the following Section D – Community project: Fire Station #3 – 16 Ave S. Relocation as identified on Page 18 of the Community Projects Unfunded, as amended. The amendment, introduced by Councillor Jeff Coffman, suggests the project be funded for the purchase of land and for the development of a detailed functional study during the CIP cycle (2022-2025), with $4,848,000 million identified in 2022/2023. It carried 8-0.
  • SAAG Facility Enhancements:
    • The Economic SPC voted 6-2 (Coun. Mauro not present) to recommend including the following Section D – Community project: SAAG Facility Enhancements as identified on Page 45 of the Community Projects Unfunded. Total funding would be $5,788,000 ($474,000 in 2022, $3,232,000 in 2023, $2,082,000 in 2024).
  • Henderson Ice Centre Upgrade:
    • The Economic SPC voted unanimously 8-0 (Councillor Joe Mauro had to leave meeting) to recommend including the following Section D – Community project: Henderson Ice Centre Upgrade as identified on Page 13 of the Community Projects Unfunded. Total funding would be $5,868,000 ($528,000 in 2022, $3,260,000 in 2023, $2,080,000 in 2024). Councillor Jeff Carlson proposed an amendment that the design amount of $627,000 be delayed to 2025 and the remaining construction be unfunded. The proposed amendment was defeated 7-1 (Councillor Joe Mauro had to leave meeting).

A recap of CIP decisions is available here.

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