Lethbridge council approves new Municipal Development Plan
LETHBRIDGE, AB – Lethbridge City Council has voted to approve the Municipal Development Plan (MDP).
Also known as Bylaw 6265, the MDP aims to improve the quality of life and address changing needs of the city, while fostering strong growth and a prosperous economy, as well as a synchronization with corporate strategies to lay the groundwork for the next council work plan.
The city’s General Manager of Planning and Design, Maureen Gaehring said “the purpose of this new Municipal Development Plan is to provide relevant city-wide strategic policy guidance as we continue to grow and build on the surpassed milestone of the 100,000 population mark.”
The MDP was drafted over the course of two years, with the city noting that it “carries forward the vision statement and outcomes established in the existing Integrated Community Sustainability Plan/MDP adopted in 2010”, while including additional improvements.