How Lethbridge compares to the rest of Alberta on property taxes & spending
LETHBRIDGE, AB – Alberta’s largest municipalities were stacked up against each other to compare municipal spending, property tax “fairness”, and the perceptions business have of their local governments.
A new report from the Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) shows that, over the last 10 years, the province’s 17 largest municipalities decreased their real spending per capita by 8.4 per cent, but that grew by six per cent in Lethbridge.
This means that, between 2010 and 2020, municipal spending in Lethbridge rose at a faster rate than the population grew in nine of those years.
The CFIB then looked at the “property tax fairness ratios” for each community, which is the difference between what commercial property owners are assessed at and what share of total property taxes they pay. The lower the ratio, the more “fair” it is.