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Alberta approved Farmer’s Markets – there’s an app for that

Jul 29, 2021 | 1:49 PM

LETHBRIDGE, AB. — If you live in a city, one of the most popular events every summer is the Farmers’ Market – and no matter where you live, there is always a market close by in Alberta.

Now, Alberta Agriculture and Forestry’s mobile app and website – have made it easier to locate a market, no matter where you are in the province. The site and app have all the information on where approved farmers’ markets are located, when they operate, and their contact information.

Farmers’ Market Sunny Girl

Alberta has more than 150 Alberta approved farmers’ markets serving over 100 communities. It has been determined that 80 per cent of provincial households shop these market channels, spending about $70 per visit, and 80-per cent of that is spent on local food.

Aside from produce, the markets offer baking, inspected meat and cheese products, farm prepared honey, jams and condiments, as well as wine, clothing, wooden ware and home-made soaps.

Each approved farmers’ market in Alberta is independently operated and reflects the culture of its community or region. Shoppers have the opportunity to speak with the farmers who grew or produced the products.

The Alberta Approved Farmers’ Market Program, helps ensure market managers and vendors have the information they need to be successful in their roles and keep your visit safe.

Learn more at Alberta approved farmers’ markets.

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