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Rally goers on University Drive West

Rally held Wednesday addressing cuts to post-secondary education

Nov 17, 2021 | 4:15 PM

LETHBRIDGE, AB – The University of Lethbridge Faculty Association (ULFA) hosted a peaceful rally Wednesday to inform people about the cuts to post-secondary education and issues currently under negotiation.

Their #WorthFightingFor slogan can be seen on social media to raise awareness about the negative impacts that staff and students at the U of L are facing.

ULFA is seeking a fair settlement that addresses salary and workload inequities, protection of academic freedom, collegial governance, and provides for a more equitable, inclusive, and diverse workplace.

“Faculty working conditions are students’ learning conditions and ULFA believes that these are worth fighting for,” the ULFA release reads.

Department of Biological Sciences Instructor Dr. Andy Hudson says the ULFA is wanting to help students have fair treatment as well as staff.

“As a ULFA member and a part of the Lethbridge community, I am deeply concerned about the continued erosion of staff salaries and increasing workloads resulting from staffing shortages.”

“Unless these cuts are reversed, they will undoubtedly reduce our ability to attract and retain the best researchers and educators to our institution. This will negatively impact the capacity of our staff to deliver the high-quality learning experience that our students expect at U of L.”

Hudson added that as the second-largest employer in the city, employees and post-secondary students make up 10% of the Lethbridge population.

“ULFA members are already paid 10-15% less than faculty at comparator universities and the U-of-L Board of Governors is proposing a -4% salary rollback, retroactive to July 2020,” the release states.

People in the rally were greeted kindly by drivers passing by on University Drive West.

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