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Help is available - please reach out - Canadian Mental Health Association

Canadian Mental Health Association – many programs, meeting people where they’re at

Jan 11, 2022 | 10:12 PM

LETHBRIDGE, AB. — For many, a new year brings with it the anticipation and hope of what may lay ahead. However, for other people, each new month brings with it an increase in turmoil , fear, disappointments and the ongoing challenges of the past year. These challenges can stem from unemployment, illness, loss, financial insecurity, family turmoil, the ongoing effects of COVID-19, or the many stresses that we face in our daily lives.

When people are struggling through the frustration and stress of their circumstances, some may not know where to turn, while others are afraid or hesitant to ask for help.

When these situations arise, the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), Alberta South Region (ASR), wants to ensure that people know where to turn for assistance in navigating their immediate challenges, and find support for their ongoing mental wellness through their programs and services.

Deborah Chenery, Executive Director for CMHA – ASR, explains there are many factors that can affect mental health and options are available for people right here in Lethbridge. The agency seeks to provide programs and services that meet people where they are at in their mental wellbeing and connect them with the supports they need, when they need them.

Mental wellness is integrated in everything that we do and everything that we are. Taking care of our mental health is an ongoing process, not a single event in our lives.

Three Pillars of CMHA

It can be overwhelming to know where to go to take that first step, but CMHA – ASR aims to help those who want to reach out. Whether you’re actively in crisis, looking for community resources or wanting to connect with others to learn skills to support your mental wellbeing – it may be through programs offered by CMHA – ASR, or with other community resources the our staff can connect you with.

CMHA program list

Chenery encourages anyone who feels like they may benefit from additional supports to reach out and discuss the programs and services offered by the organization.

For more information on programs and services, you can visit the CMHA Alberta South Region website or call Community LINKS at 403.328.5465.

If you are in crisis, please reach out directly to the Distress Line of Southwestern Alberta at 403.327.7905 or 1.888.787.2880

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