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RCMP arrest 11 Coutts protesters on weapons-related charges

Feb 14, 2022 | 10:49 AM

COUTTS, AB – Nearly a dozen protesters near the Coutts border were arrested early Monday morning.

RCMP says they became aware of a small organized group within the larger convoy who had access to a cache of firearms and a “large quantity” of ammunition.

“The group was said to have a willingness to use force against the police if any attempts were made to disrupt the blockade,” reads a media release from RCMP. “This resulted in an immediate and complex investigation to determine the extent of the threat and criminal organization.”

Officials provided an example of what they called the “militant mindset” of this group.

At approximately 8:00 pm on Sunday, a large farm tractor and a semi-truck, both involved in the blockade, allegedly attempted to ram a police vehicle. The officer was able to reposition themselves and avoid the collision.

The driver of the tractor was identified and police are working to locate him so he can be arrested. The tractor and semi have been seized.

Altogether, 11 people were arrested and three trailers were connected to what RCMP say is a “criminal organization.”

The following items were confiscated by RCMP.

  • 13 long guns
  • Handguns
  • Multiple sets of body armour
  • A machete
  • A large quantity of ammunition
  • High capacity magazines

The exact list of charges was not provided.

“The Alberta RCMP will resume efforts to end the illegal blockade which has prevented access to the Coutts border. We encourage all participants who are involved in this illegal action to leave immediately or relocate to the designated site for the legal protest.”

An official with RCMP told LNN last week that the environment at the Coutts protest overall was “peaceful.”

READ MORE: RCMP issue tickets to Coutts protesters during “soft enforcement”

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