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(Lethbridge News Now)

Lethbridge rally shows support for Ukraine

Feb 26, 2022 | 12:34 PM

LETHBRIDGE, AB – Well over 100 people turned up outside of Lethbridge City Hall on Saturday to show their support for the people of Ukraine.

Many brought Ukrainian flags with them and sang songs. Others carried signs with messages including “Putin’s eh war criminal,” “Stand with Ukraine,” “Stop the War,” and “Pray for Ukraine.”

Misha Pereverza was the lead organizer of the rally. He spoke to media about 15 minutes after the gathering started and said the turnout was already more than he expected.

Earlier this week, his wife received a call from their family in Ukraine informing them of the developing situation.

“I wasn’t able to just sit and, you know, it just was something internal inside me told me… I have to do something. I understand that I wasn’t able to do too much, but still, this is very small thing we can do here. Unfortunately, this is very small, but we will try to do our best here.”

His family overseas includes his wife’s parents, two brothers, and six sisters.

Like many of the attendees at the rally, Pereverza says he is worried about his family’s safety.

“This is huge family and they are under the bombing right now, so they just sit in the basement. It’s terrible. I just cannot imagine anybody – you’ll sit in the basement and think that maybe some bombs will fly to your house.”

Devon Hargreaves also helped to organize the rally, and like Pereverza, has family in Ukraine.

A friend of his was showing him photos of people they knew in Ukraine who had been conscripted into Ukraine’s army and are now part of the war effort.

“By holding rallies like we are today and showing a strong support of solidarity, it’s supporting what are the steps our government has taken to sanction Russia and Putin. I hope that it gets back to our family and friends in the Ukraine and sends a strong message that the rest of the world is watching. We are there and we do support them.”

According to the 2016 federal census, Alberta was home to 369,090 people of Ukrainian descent, including 6,550 people who lived in Lethbridge.

(Lethbridge News Now)
(Lethbridge News Now)
(Lethbridge News Now)