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People learn lacrosse as part of National Indigenous Peoples Day events at Galt Gardens in Lethbridge, June 23, 2022. (Photo: LNN)

Lacrosse: the Creator’s game featured at National Indigenous Peoples Day event

Jun 23, 2022 | 7:23 PM

LETHBRIDGE, AB – The Lethbridge Sport Council (LSC) invited visitors to Galt Gardens on Thursday, June 23, 2022 to play lacrosse in honour of National Indigenous Peoples Day this week.

Chad Chief Moon, who serves on the LSC Board of Directors, shared the importance of the game of lacrosse to the First Nations people.

“This was created by the Creator. The very first game was played in the spirit world and then it was handed down to First Nations people, and the game is a healing game,” said Chief Moon. “So, once you play for the Creator, you’re entertaining the Creator. And in many, many ways he’ll bless you, heal you.”

Chief Moon also said, “It’s played for the elders in our communities, and the young children, and nowadays, we’re on this journey. It’s a tougher place to live. So, it’s more about healing, right? And the blessings. So, yes, Creator’s game, that’s what it’s known for.”

According to Chief Moon, the name Lacrosse is a French name that came from a priest who thought the stick used in the sport looked like a cross.

According to World Lacrosse, the international governing body for the sport, lacrosse was started by the First Nation peoples. It was initially played by the Algonquian tribe in the St. Lawrence Valley area.

Lacrosse is recognized by the federal government in the National Sports of Canada Act as the official national summer sport of Canada, while hockey is the official national winter sport of Canada.

Program and Event Coordinator at LSC Shawn Daye-Finley says lacrosse is a great way to encourage Indigenous youth and everyone to participate in a healthy and active lifestyle.

“We’re trying to promote the game to more kids to play, especially urban Indigenous kids that aren’t already playing a sport,” said Daye-Finley.

“Sport participation, you know, leads to healthier, more active humans,” he said, “and as a precursor for health, kids who are involved in sports do better in all aspects. So, we’re just trying to promote it to get kids moving and get kids more active, healthier.”

The LSC is also bringing National Lacrosse League player Jeff Shattler to Lethbridge in July to teach children about the sport. He will be at the Nicholas Sheran Arena July 14, and at the Kainai Sports Centre July 15, 2022.

“Every kid that shows up that doesn’t come with some gear will have some gear to use,” said Shawn Daye-Finley, “and then at the end of the day, we’re going to try to make sure that kids who need a stick have a stick.”

According to the LSC website, the event is in partnership with various organizations and associations.

Other events honouring National Indigenous Peoples Day this week include the Lethbridge Therapeutic Riding Association and AHS Outreach team hosting a Spirit Horse Painting event in Galt Gardens from 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. on Friday, June 24, 2022.

READ MORE: City of Lethbridge and community to celebrate National Indigenous Peoples Week this month