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The graduating class of the Police Cadet Training program at Lethbridge, September 2, 2022. (Image: LPS)

Six cadets joining Lethbridge Police following graduation ceremony

Sep 2, 2022 | 2:39 PM

LETHBRIDGE, AB – A group of cadets has graduated from Lethbridge College and looks to hit the streets soon.

The graduation ceremony held on Friday, September 2, 2022, saw the swearing-in and presentation of badges to Constables Christian Olson, Jesse Parmar, Joshua Smith, Dallas Stelmack, Kai Striegel, and Derrick Van Hienen, who will all be joining the Lethbridge Police Service (LPS).

Striegel was presented with the Top Cadet Award.

LPS says it was an opportune time for the group to finish their studies as the police service was trying to fill officer vacancies.

Kirsten Barwegen also received a badge and will be joining the Blood Tribe Police.

LPS Chief Shahin Mehdizadeh spoke at the ceremony, encouraging graduates to understand the communities they serve, commit themselves to making the community better, and to act with respect, integrity, and compassion.

“What you do today will become part of our history tomorrow. Work hard to serve the community, continue the legacy of those who have come before you, and as you progress in your careers, model the way for future generations,” says Mehdizadeh.

The cadets have completed 22 weeks of training at Lethbridge College’s Police Cadet Training program. They will now have an additional three weeks of in-house training and 18 weeks of field training before being able to patrol the streets of their communities alone.

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