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Since 2018, the BASAB program has helped to feed thousands of students. (Photo: U of L)

University of Lethbridge to battle student food insecurity on Giving Tuesday

Nov 29, 2022 | 12:40 PM

LETHBRIDGE, AB – Giving Tuesday is a national generosity movement that has been taking place on November 29 since 2012.

Each year, thousands of people make big or small contributions to strangers, non-profits or those in need to make a difference in someone’s life.

As part of this initiative, the University of Lethbridge (U of L) is kicking off its fifth annual Buy A Student A Breakfast (BASAB) program.

From November 29 to December 8, 2022, every dollar donated will be matched by the university to provide up to 1,000 breakfasts to be distributed to students during the first week of final exams.

Back in 2017, a study found that one in four U of L students admitted they had run out of food without having the resources to buy more.

The BASAB helps to combat food insecurity felt amongst students and allows for community members to make a positive impact on those attending post-secondary.

Kathleen Massey, ULethbridge vice-provost (students), said in a release, “Exam time is especially stressful for students, and many are facing food security issues. This initiative comes at a really important time.”

“A campaign such as this is a great opportunity for our community and the community at large to show our students through a small gesture that they matter and we’re behind them,” added Massey.

According to the University, for every $24 donation, which is matched by the university, eight students will receive a redeemable coupon for one breakfast sandwich and one coffee/ tea at the University Tim Horton’s or the Urban Café.

Funds raised in excess of the goal will also be donated to the Students’ Union Food Bank.

“We’ve received so much support from our alumni, our campus community and community partners and the students have always been so appreciative of the gesture,” adds Massey.

She went on, “I think a lot of donors were looking for a way to connect with and support students that was immediate and would show them just how valued they are at the University and in our community.”

Since 2018, the BASAB program has helped to feed thousands of students.

To learn more about the Buy A Student A Breakfast program, head to the University of Lethbridge website.

READ MORE: Lethbridge News Now