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The Movie Mill owner Leonard Binning says initiatives like their 'Throwback Thursdays' and partnership with the ULethbridge Film Series have kept moviegoers coming to the Lethbridge cinema. (Photo: LNN)

The Movie Mill embraces creativity to keep seats filled

Mar 19, 2024 | 1:55 PM

LETHBRIDGE, AB – Independent movie theatres are in crisis across Canada.

That’s according to a study conducted by the Network of Independent Canadian Exhibitors (NICE).

The report found that 60 per cent of independent film exhibitors operated at a loss at the end of their most recent fiscal year and 66 per cent need increased funding to remain operational.

READ MORE: Canada’s independent cinema chains are ‘in crisis,’ need more funding: study

Leonard Binning, owner of The Movie Mill in Lethbridge, says that while his business has suffered since the pandemic, it is not as bad as the study might suggest.

Binning says, “Attendance has not quite rebounded since 2019, but we’re seeing growth in a lot of other areas. We’ve been creative and we pivoted along the way, so we’re doing fine.”

Along with the pandemic, Binning says the 2023 Writers Guild of America strike took a toll on the Mill, seeing as there was no fresh content to be aired.

The front entrance into the main lobby of The Movie Mill. (Photo: LNN)

In terms of innovation, The Movie Mill created a number of other revenue streams, such as launching its summer drive-in.

Binning says, “The drive-in was one of the first [during] COVID and we’re continuing that. The curbside sales of concession items, in particular popcorn, [is something] the community has really embraced.”

He adds that The Soda Mill, which is attached to the movie theatre and offers gourmet sodas, significantly contributes to the success of the local cinema. Moviegoers are allowed to bring their soda into their movie viewing. The theatre is also home to the Puttz miniature golf course.

The Soda Mill at The Movie Mill allows moviegoers to enjoy a gourmet soda while watching a film. (Photo: LNN)

Binning adds another idea that came out of the pandemic was the Mill’s Throwback Thursdays series and specialty films not usually screened by Cineplex like The Shift and Sound of Freedom.

“We’ve got the original Rocky coming up right away [on March 21, 2024]. We played The Godfather and The Wizard of Oz, and that’s really brought out some different people.”

Binning says The Movie Mill also partners with the University of Lethbridge’s ULeth Film Series.

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