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The Rotary Club of Lethbridge East is honouring four southern Albertans who are exploring agriculture-related post-secondary programs. (Photo: Jody Robertson)

Rotary Club announces $10,000 ag scholarship winners

Mar 15, 2025 | 7:00 AM

Four young southern Albertans are getting some help on their way to their bright careers in agriculture.

The Rotary Club of Lethbridge East has announced the winners of its Agricultural Scholarships, given out annually to the region’s top students who are pursuing a post-secondary education in agriculture.

Damon Bectell

Bectell grew up on his family’s cattle ranch south of Cardston and is currently pursuing a Master of Science in Agriculture at the University of Alberta. he says he wants to pursue a career in agricultural research and eventually return to his family farm.

Landon Porteous

Porteous grew up in a family ranching/farming operation north of Bow Island. He is working on obtaining a degree in Animal Sciences – Livestock Management & Industry at Montana State University. He says he wants to use his knowledge to focus on the growth and sustainability of his family’s ranch and improve the future of Canadian agriculture.

Ryan Slingerland

Slingerland is in his third year of a management degree at the University of Lethbridge, majoring in political science and minoring in international management. He was raised on a dairy farm and has advocated for agriculture in Ottawa. After graduation, he plans to pursue a career in law.

Layton VandeStroet

VandeStroet grew up on a mixed crop and livestock farm near Enchant. He completed a degree in Agricultural Biotechnology at the University of Lethbridge and was recently accepted into the University of Calgary’s Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. He plans to work as a cattle veterinarian after graduation.

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