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Ok, perhaps I am getting a bit off track here, but you can’t deny the horror culture that has been built around wax figures. Does anyone remember the video game Are You Afraid of the Dark? The Tale of Orpheo’s Curse? From lurking in the wax museum, with that darn mummy mannequin following you around, to getting lost for hours in the wax vault—I kid you not, I still have nightmares about it!The Tale of Orpheo's Curse?


Here at Ripley’s, we have a vast collection of wax figures that make me jump and, yes, sometimes pee myself each time I walk into our warehouse. Our incredible wax figures are made right here, in our Headquarters, as well as by partnered artists across the country. Seeing headless torsos and limbs scattered around the Ripley’s Art Department is common place, and something that takes quite a bit of getting used to!

Believe It or Not!, we own Louis Tussaud’s Waxworks! He was the great-grandson of Marie Tussaud, creator of the Madame Tussauds wax museums.

Vampire Woman

Mexican Vampire Woman, Marie Jose Cristerna, being body cast for a wax figure by Ripley artists Bruce Miller and Andy Howard.

Vampire Woman Wax Museum

Our Louis Tussaud’s museums feature wax characters from both historical personages and contemporary celebrities from the worlds of sports, music, and film. You can experience the world of movie stars, historical figures, fantasy, and fear. What’s better than mingling with Tinseltown’s most famous stars, past and present?


The Shining Wax Museum

The iconic scene from The Shining lives at our Louis Tussaud’s Waxworks in Niagara Falls

Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe in our Louis Tussaud’s Waxworks in San Antonio


Louis Tussaud's Waxworks

Imagine your adrenaline pumping, your imagination churning, as you make your way through Louis Tussaud’s Nightmare at the Wax Museum. Is it wax or is it alive? We’ll let you decide!

For only three more nights in October, you can experience the heart-stopping fear of classic horror coming to life at San Antonio’s best haunted house! So please, watch your step, hold on to your loved ones, and try not to squeal. We can guarantee your entrance, but…not your exit!

Get you spines chilled NOW!

Louis Tussaud's WaxworksLouis Tussaud's WaxworksLouis Tussaud's Waxworks

Have you been to Nightmare at the Wax Museum? Let us know in the comments below, and don’t forget to share your photos with us! Happy hauntings…

Source: Louis Tussaud’s Nightmare at the Wax Museum