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Nominations sought for ABP Environmental Stewardship Award

Jun 15, 2019 | 10:35 AM

CALGARY — There are many deserving candidates across Alberta but, they are not likely to toss their own dusty and sweat-covered hat into the ring. For that reason, the Alberta Beef Producers are asking friends, family and neighbours to consider making a nomination for the 2020 Alberta Beef Producers (ABP) Environmental Stewardship Award (ESA).

Chris Israelson is Chair of this prestigious long-running award.

“We’re at year number 26 now that we have awarded cow producers across the province of Alberta for limiting the environmental impact from their operations>”

Israelson outlines the general criteria that judges will consider, such as producers who have undertaken initiatives which have improved their operations, lessened the environmental impacts of their operations and improved their sustainability going forward.

He fully agrees that it can be said “every successful cattle producer follows sound environmental practices.”

“With this being such a long-running award, producers who won it 20-years ago, would be very average today, as the industry just keeps moving the bar on that environmental conversation.”

The Environmental Stewardship winner will be recognized for their achievements at the ABP General Meeting at Calgary in December. While urging producers to forward prior to the July 15 deadline, Israelson says neighbours often send in the names of people they feel deserve consideration.

“The winner gets a company farm-gate sign to keep and display at their operation and they get the title of being the 2020 Environmental Stewardship award winner for the province. After that, they move on to the National competition – the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association oversees the national competition.”

“A team of judges made up of ABP delegates, the 2019 ESA winner and an industry associate will review the submissions and tour the nominated ranching operations.”

Nomination are open until July 15, 2019, with forms available on the Albert Beef Producers website, or you can phone the Alberta Beef Producers office (403) 275-4400.