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Producer samples needed for Spring harvested canola and flax research

May 19, 2020 | 2:40 PM

LETHBRIDGE, AB. — The Canadian Grain Commission’s Grain Research Laboratory is seeking samples of canola and flaxseed which was seeded in the spring 2019, but not harvested until this spring. The samples will be used to conduct research on the effects of late harvest, on canola and flaxseed quality.

Those who participate in the study, can expect to receive results within 6 to 8 weeks. Producers who are signed up for the Harvest Sample Program, will receive their results by email if an email address has been provided. Overall results from the study will be published on the Commission’s website.

All grade and quality results are assessed by the Canadian Grain Commission, and the grade provided is unofficial, because samples aren’t collected by a Canadian Grain Commission inspector.

To participate in the study, participants will need to send-in flaxseed and canola samples as soon as they’ve been harvested this spring.

In exchange for samples, the producer will receive the following:

— an unofficial grade,

— oil, protein and chlorophyll content for canola,

— oil and protein content and iodine value for flaxseed

— and other results that are specific to this research project, such as information on the free fatty acid content.

How to mail in your spring 2020 samples

You can mail in your samples using any Harvest Sample Program envelope. If you do not have a Harvest Sample Program envelope, please contact us to request one.

Include the following information on the front of your envelope :

  • the date it was harvested in spring 2020
  • the approximate date it was cut (if different than the harvested date)
  • whether it was straight cut or swathed
  • the growing location
  • the variety of the sample
  • if the type of grain listed on the top right side of the envelope is incorrect, cross it out and write the correct grain type (canola or flaxseed)

If you have other questions about submitting your sample, review all Harvest Sample Program submission requirements.

How samples will be used:

With poor harvest conditions in 2019, over 40% of flax across Canada and 20% of canola in Alberta was not harvested by December 31, 2019.

By studying these samples, we’ll be able to analyze the quality of the crop that was left out in the field over winter and assess the impact of delayed harvest on end-use functionality.

Producers can use this information to make informed decisions on how to market their grain and processors can use it to adjust their processes to compensate for changes in crop quality.

Contact us

For more information on the spring-harvested flaxseed and canola research project, contact Dr. Véronique Barthet, Program Manager of Oilseeds for the Grain Research Laboratory