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Lethbridge City Council will meet on Tuesday, September 17. (Photo: Lethbridge News Now)

City council to discuss childcare assessment, graffiti removal and more

Sep 16, 2024 | 9:41 AM

LETHBRIDGE, AB – Lethbridge City Council is set to have its first regular meeting since the summer break on Tuesday, September 17, 2024.

There are a few notable items that will be under discussion, including:

Childcare Needs Assessment:

Council is set to decide what level of involvement it should have in childcare. A report has recently been completed on childcare needs in Lethbridge and how many additional spaces will be needed to keep up with population growth. It includes a range of recommendations that span from doing nothing to creating policies and advocating for more childcare spaces, to the municipality operating childcare spaces itself.

Expanding Graffiti Abatement

A proposal to expand the City’s graffiti abatement program across Lethbridge. The Downtown Lawlessness Reduction Task Force Officials say graffiti tagging is appearing throughout the city at an increasing rate. A cleanup program currently only operates in the downtown core.

Encampment Strategy Update

New numbers on how busy Lethbridge’s Encampment Response Team has been over the summer. A report indicates an increase in the number of encampment-related calls this year.

Exhibition Financial Update

An update on the current financial situation of Lethbridge & District Exhibition. Since the City of Lethbridge became the lone shareholder of the organization due to its financial issues, these updates are provided regularly.

The full agenda for the Tuesday, September 17, 2024 regular meeting of council can be read on the City of Lethbridge website. The meeting is set to get underway at 12:30 p.m.

READ MORE: Lethbridge News Now

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