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The Lethbridge Police Victim/Witness Services Unit is looking for volunteers. (Photo: LNN)

Lethbridge Police looking for volunteers for Victim/Witness Services Unit

Sep 26, 2024 | 11:29 AM

LETHBRIDGE, AB – The Lethbridge Police Victim/Witness Services Unit (V/WSU) is looking for volunteers.

LPS says new volunteers are needed to continue helping victims or witnesses of crime or trauma navigate the challenges of their experiences. They add that the V/WSU requires 60 volunteers to provide support at any time of any day of the year.

LPS says it is crucial that the team is comprised of individuals of diverse ages, genders and cultures to best reflect the diverse community.

Catherine Pooley, V/WSU Manager explained, “We want our team to reflect the city we support. Lethbridge is such a diverse community and we can learn so much from working side-by-side. We have the potential to better understand and support the unique needs of various communities when they have a place at our table.”

There is no specific experience needed to volunteer, but LPS is seeking individuals who are 18 or older and have a clear criminal record. Volunteer Crisis Support Workers will receive extensive training.

Applications are being accepted until October 15, 2024, and those interested can find the form here.

READ MORE: Lethbridge News Now.

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