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Cody Tyler Black Forehead (Lethbridge News NOW)
Sentence Handed Down

Cody Tyler Black Forehead sentenced to one year in jail

Jun 28, 2019 | 3:26 PM

LETHBRIDGE, AB – A 34-year-old man who pleaded guilty to two counts of sexual interference in relation to two 15-year-old boys back in April 2017, has been sentenced to one year in jail, and 18-months probation following his sentence.

Cody Tyler Black Forehead sat in the prisoner’s box in Court of Queen’s Bench dressed in a black button up shirt and black pants, as his Defense Lawyer Vince Guinan and Crown Prosecutor Brad Stephenson made what they called a “true joint submission.”

Guinan told the court that his client was remorseful for his actions, that he had successfully completed a significant period of sobriety and that he had “gained a certain amount of maturity and insight.”

Crown Prosecutor Brad Stephenson outlined some of the aggravating and concerning factors of the case, including that the two children were given alcohol and/or drugs, that there was the presumption of a risk of harm or damage done to developing minds and that both boys were 15 at the time of the offences, while Black Forehead was 31 years of age.

Mitigating factors included Black Forehead pleading guilty, that he had no previous criminal record, that there had been no issues on his release conditions, and some of the contents of a Pre-Sentencing Report, a Gladue Report, and psychological assessment.

Justice Rodney Jerke accepted the joint submission and made his own comments regarding the case including that Black Forehead was “a man we can really say there’s hope for.”

Black Forehead must submit a DNA sample and he will be added to the national sex offender registry. He must not possess any weapons for at least 10 years and have no contact either while in custody or after he is released with the victims.

Because he has been assessed as a moderate risk to re-offend, Justice Jerke also accepted conditions that upon his release from jail, he not seek employment where he comes into contact with anyone under the age of 16, and that he not be allowed to volunteer or be in a position of trust with anyone under the age of 16.

He must also abstain from using drugs or alcohol, consent to the completion of a sex offender program or other counselling programs if recommended by a probation officer.

Case History

In an agreed statement of facts, Black Forehead admitted that on Apr. 27, 2017, he met a 15-year-old boy on Facebook Messenger, and he invited the youth to go drinking with him. The youth agreed and brought another 15-year-old boy along.

After meeting at Black Forehead’s downtown apartment, the three started drinking alcohol and smoking marijuana that Black Forehead provided.

It was noted that he asked the youths what grade they were in – to which they responded Grade 9 – and one of the youths remembered saying he was 15 as well.

One of the youths reported that after becoming intoxicated, Black Forehead started kissing him and that he leaned away to avoid the contact. As the night progressed, Black Forehead performed sexual acts on both teens, and tried to get one of them to have sex with him.

The next morning the boys woke up naked and Black Forehead told them that they should do it again.

Both boys told authorities that they did not want to have sexual contact with Black Forehead.