Messages of love from Lakeview students bring joy to struggling couple
LETHBRIDGE, AB – As students in Alex Funk’s Grade 2 elementary school class worked on creating their plasticine hearts Thursday afternoon, they had no idea that just across the school field from them, two people suffering with enormous personal struggles saw their dozens of messages of love and hope.
The cards were posted across the backstop of a ball diamond for anyone who might need it. A sign beside a large poster read “Take a card or 2 to make your day brighter.” Each pair of cards was encased by a Ziploc bag and taped to the chain link fence beside the poster.
“We’ve been working really hard on understanding how to do things without asking for anything in return and being kind to others. So… we decided to sit down and create all these cards – especially with Valentine’s Day coming and just share the love a little bit in the world,” explained Funk.