Alberta’s Supervised Consumption Sites: a “system of chaos”
LETHBRIDGE, AB – The provincial government’s review of supervised consumption sites (SCS) in Alberta has been released. Most of the findings are not positive.
An eight-member committee was tasked to look into SCS services and consulted more than 19,000 Albertans through online surveys, in-person town halls, and by other measures.
As previously reported by LNN, the panel’s mandate was to investigate crime rates, needle debris, residential property values, emergency medical services calls, business impacts, data collection, referrals to treatment providers, overdose referrals, and proposals for solutions to address the impacts of SCS.
What was not in their scope was the merits of SCS’s as harm reduction tools, the utility of these services in each community, expanding SCS’s outside of the current or proposed sites, and social issues such as housing and homelessness.