John David Washington cements his stardom in ‘Tenet’
Christopher Nolan only casts movie stars as his leading men. From Leonardo DiCaprio and Hugh Jackman to Christian Bale and Matthew McConaughey, Nolan’s actors are larger-than-life, capital “S” stars.
So it was more than a little exciting for John David Washington when Nolan hand-picked him to anchor his most ambitious film to date, “ Tenet,” as a glamorous and cool spy known only as The Protagonist. The 36-year-old may be the eldest son of another capital “S” star, Denzel Washington, but lineage is hardly a guarantee in Hollywood at this level. Besides, he’s only recently gotten started. He spent his 20s in a different career: professional football.
Technically, Washington started acting when he was 7, in a small role alongside his father in Spike Lee’s “Malcolm X,” and again a few years later in “Devil in a Blue Dress.”
Just over five years ago, he started quietly auditioning for projects on his own, and landed the role of Ricky Jerret in HBO’s “Ballers.” But it wasn’t until 2018 that he broke out in a big way, starring in Lee’s “BlacKkKlansman.”