Researching benefits of precision irrigation on potato fields
LETHBRIDGE, AB. — No matter what crop is put in the field, farmers are always looking for production efficiencies while maintaining or even increasing crop yields.
That includes Alberta`s potato growers, who produced roughly 1.1 million tones of potatoes, or two billion pounds, in 2019. That tonnage was made up primarily of processing potatoes but there were also fields of table and seed potatoes.
There are five potato processing plants in Southern Alberta – three that produce frozen potato products, while the other two produce potato chips. It takes a lot of potatoes to keep those plants going, which means it`s crucial to maintain yields and do it as efficiently as possible.
With that in mind, the “Towards Climate-Robust Irrigation Water Management for Potato Production“ research is now in the second of a four-year project. It`s investigating whether precision irrigation can help increase water use efficiency and potato crop yields in Alberta.