Lethbridge College among top 50 Research Colleges in Canada
LETHBRIDGE, AB. — A feather in the cap for Lethbridge College, which is recognized as one of Canada’s fastest-growing research colleges and earning its highest ever placement in the annual ranking of Canada’s top 50 research colleges.
The college moved from 47th place last year to 26th on the top 50 list released by Research Infosource and ranked third in research income growth. The post secondary institute also ranked in the top 10 in all categories among medium-sized institutions, including ninth in both research partnerships and completed research projects, and fifth in paid student researchers.
The college’s previous high in the rankings was 39th in the inaugural year of the rankings in 2013. Research Infosource reports a 232.5 per cent one-year increase in research income growth, the third-highest increase in Canada.
Dr. Kenny Corscadden, Associate VP for Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship welcomes the recognition, as the College has increased its focus and capacity in applied research over the past several years.