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Image provided from Lethbridge Fitness Club

What you can and can’t do in an Alberta gym

Mar 2, 2021 | 3:06 PM

LETHBRIDGE, AB– Following the Alberta Government’s decision to ease COVID restrictions on gyms and libraries, gyms in Lethbridge are working through the confusing rules.

Gyms across the province are allowed to have “low-intensity individual and group exercises without a trainer,” but what does that really mean?

Lethbridge Fitness Club (LFC) Front Desk Associate, Mackenzie Lewicki, says with the new rules, they didn’t know if they would even be allowed to open the gym.

“We did a lot of discussing and looking through the new restrictions to see if we could open the gym floor for individual workouts – we’re always thinking of the safety of our members especially at times like this, so we’re going with members discretion about light weightlifting.”

Staff at LFC said gyms were not provided any additional information beyond what the general public has. Lewicki says gym-goers can workout individually as long as the member is not “over exerting” themselves.

Previous story: Alberta moves to Step 2 of easing restrictions, but limited version

For cardio at LFC, the room will be closed when they open because it would be quite hard to monitor people’s activities at all times.

Gym owners and staff have been instructed to halt anyone that is doing a weight too strenuous for the individual.

“If you’re able to do a lot of reps with a large amount of weight, we’re considering that light weightlifting,” Lewicki adds that a lot of the weight falls on the member’s shoulders for their own judgement.

“We’re trusting our members to know what’s heavy for them.”

Calls are flooding in from eager Lethbridge citizens to LFC to book gym slots Lewicki says, knowing people want to get back to a “normal” gym-feel.

Breakdown of what activities you can and cannot do at LFC in accordance with government restrictions below:

Can do:

  • Low-intensity exercises
  • Light weightlifting (weight of which you are comfortable with)
  • Use of all equipment involved with “weightlifting”
  • Cardio in the “outdoor turf” area of the facility

Can’t do:

  • High-intensity exercises
  • Heavy weightlifting (weight of which you are not comfortable with)
  • Cardio in “cardio room”
  • Maximum exertion of energy on the gym floor

Additional details on the current restrictions are outlined on

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