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(Supplied by Sheldon Day Chief)

Sheldon Day Chief running for Lethbridge mayor

May 6, 2021 | 11:19 AM

LETHBRIDGE, AB – Residents of Lethbridge now have a third option for who will become the city’s next mayor.

Sheldon Day Chief has announced his candidacy for this fall’s municipal election.

He says his main goal is to improve the quality of life for the people.

“I’ve lived here in the City of Lethbridge for over 30 years and I’ve seen, I guess, [degradation] in regards to standard of living here in the City of Lethbridge.”

“I want to come in and try to bring the community together so we can bring forth practical solutions to a lot of the challenges that are facing the community as far as poverty, as far as homelessness, and the addictions surrounding all of it as well.”

If elected, Day Chief would want to bring the public together to come up with comprehensive plans to address the issues plaguing the city.

This would include having a “better financial plan” that more accurately weighs the costs, benefits, and potential pitfalls of projects, as well as a strong “going forward plan” where the wellbeing, safety, and economic futures of the community are taken into consideration.

He also believes it is important to reach out to other communities to see what they are doing right that could also work here. Some examples he gave include Medicine Hat’s work on combatting homelessness and Calgary’s focus on investing in the downtown core.

These types of collaborations, he said, could also ensure that communities surrounding Lethbridge would be able to have shared programs that they would otherwise be unable to afford.

He enters the political race already having some experience in office, having served one term on the Blood Tribe Council from 2008-2012.

As a member of the financial committee, he helped to oversee a budget of more than $100 million. Day Chief also worked on opening up agricultural trade with international markets such as Japan and Dubai.

Day Chief is the President of the Sweetgrass Youth Alliance, an organization that aids at-risk youths and adults, and volunteers with the Sage Clan Patrol in Lethbridge.

The general voting day for the 2021 municipal elections is October 18.

Lethbridge is guaranteed a new mayor this fall as Chris Spearman will not be seeking re-election.

READ MORE: Spearman not running for re-election

Two other candidates have already announced their bid for the mayoral seat.

READ MORE: Stephen Mogdan announces candidacy for mayor of Lethbridge

READ MORE: Bradley Whalen running for mayor of Lethbridge

A list of candidates who have filed nomination papers, including those running for mayor, council, and school board in Lethbridge, can be accessed here.

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