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Laurie McIntosh is a full-time kindergarten teacher at The Children of St. Martha Elementary School. (Photo supplied by Laurie McIntosh)

New book co-authored by Lethbridge teacher shares real-life stories of educators

Aug 3, 2021 | 11:26 AM

LETHBRIDGE, AB – A local teacher has co-authored a book focusing on the stories of educators.

Laurie McIntosh is a full-time kindergarten teacher at The Children of St. Martha Elementary School in Lethbridge. Along with clinical psychologist Dr. Jody Carrington, she wrote Teachers These Days: Stories and Strategies for Reconnection.

She told LNN that, “it’s a book that brings together theory and practice and real-life stories by teachers from all over North America to remind teachers just, simply by the choice of the profession, that they are a powerful force in our world and that they are valued and important in all they do.”

She said the project was a roughly two-and-a-half-year process, and the book is a follow-up to Dr. Carrington’s previous outing Kids These Days: A Game Plan for (Re)Connecting with Those We Teach, Lead & Love.

McIntosh told LNN that, “we knew we wanted to follow it up with a book that really weaved together that theory and the strategies for all teachers, educational assistants, coaches, professors, anybody that teaches a child or imparts knowledge in any way, which is really all of us.”

“So, it came together in us trying to bring together theory and practice and assuring that we have a place that affirms and values our teachers and our educators.”

McIntosh said she’s very excited to bring people together as a community through the stories shared in the book and “to really make us feel like we’re not alone,” especially amid the struggles of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Even if you’re part of the education system or not, it’s just all that idea, [a] very inclusive look at the word ‘teacher’ and just knowing that we all are teachers in some way or another and we all have the ability to change the trajectory of a person’s life.”

The book was a best-seller right off the bat upon its August long weekend release, with McIntosh noting, “we were amazed to find out it was a number-one best-seller on all books, not just in education but all books on Amazon Canada.”

She remarked that, “it’s an incredible feeling to know that people are reading your words and taking them to heart.”

“I’m really excited seeing the takeaways that people have coming in now – what quotes spoke to them, which stories touched them, so it’s really a powerful experience for me, but I hope it’s a powerful experience for anyone who reads the book and knows that they are such an important part of our communities.”

As of now, the book can be purchased online through Amazon. McIntosh hopes it can eventually be added to shelves at local bookstores.

She said, “we’ve kind of put the call out to a couple of stores, a couple of our favourites but really what it comes down to a lot of times is just demand, so if the people of Lethbridge want to see this book in local bookstores, it’s best to just ask if people have it in stock and if not, if they can bring it in, so that’s what we’re kind of hoping for.”

“Being a local girl and being someone who has always felt so supported by this community, I’m sure that will happen with people helping me get it into our local bookstores.”

More on Teachers These Days: Stories and Strategies for Reconnection is available here.