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The Fairmont Garden playground in Lethbridge. (Photo: City of Lethbridge)

Playground work in Lethbridge to result in temporary closures

May 11, 2022 | 10:39 AM

LETHBRIDGE, AB – Playgrounds in Lethbridge will be getting an upgrade this week.

Beginning Thursday, May 12, 2022, work is set to start on a rubber resurfacing project for multiple playgrounds in the city. The work will result in temporary closures.

Two playgrounds will also be receiving full play equipment replacements. The play areas will be fenced off during construction to help protect the public.

The following playgrounds will be resurfaced with pour-in-place rubber surfacing:

  • Willowbrook
  • Rideau
  • Georgetown
  • Kiwanis
  • Ridgewood
  • Fairmont Garden
  • Heritage Road

Each resurfacing project will take about three to four weeks to complete, weather permitting.

Additionally, the play equipment at Fairmont Garden and Heritage Road will be replaced. That work is expected to start on June 1 and end July 29, weather and construction crew permitting.

The new rubber surfacing uses Alberta-sourced recycled tires, diverting this material from landfills. The rubber surfacing is mobility device friendly for improved accessibility, and it provides fall suppression that meets CSA requirements.

The City of Lethbridge maintains 113 public playgrounds across the city. More details on playgrounds are available at the City website.