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File photo of Lethbridge City Hall, June 12, 2020. On Tuesday, September 13, 2022, councillors voted to approve one-time funding of $500,000 to complete the Chinook Trail Functional Planning Study in 2023. (Photo: D. Opinko-LNN)

Funding approved for electrical planning study in Lethbridge

Sep 14, 2022 | 8:37 AM

LETHBRIDGE, AB – Lethbridge City Council has approved funding for an electrical planning study.

On Tuesday, September 13, 2022, council voted unanimously to approve one-time funding of $500,000 from the Electric Reserve to complete the Chinook Trail Functional Planning Study in 2023.

Two transmission paths are to be proposed and evaluated, as per requirements by the Alberta Utility Commission (AUC). The City of Lethbridge noted that there is already an approved Transmission Right of Way along Métis Trail. The second proposal would be within the future Chinook Trail corridor.

The study is required to make an informed decision and develop a proper design and estimate the cost of building. Officials said that the study is required in 2023 to meet approval and construction timelines.

Acting Mayor Belinda Crowson, who is also Chair of the Civic Works Standing Policy Committee, said, “This decision will help achieve the overall reliability of the Electric Grid.”

“It will help the City of Lethbridge meet the needs and requirements of AESO and the Alberta Utility Commission along with other partners such as AltaLink, Lethbridge County, landowners and other stakeholders,” Crowson stated.


The 2022 Alberta Electric System Operator’s (AESO) long-term plan has found a need to build a new 240/138kV substation in West Lethbridge by 2028, as well as a new 138kV transmission line connecting the new substation to the existing 674S Substation, located south of the Copperwood neighborhood.

General Manager – Electric Utility Jason Drenth said, “The 2022 AESO long0term plan has identified a need to modify the Lethbridge area transmission network.”

“AESO will recommend these needs to the AUC who then can approve the project and funding of the transmission costs. The system is connected to and makes up a part of the Alberta Electric Interconnected System and is required to meet the requirements of the AUC and AESO set out in the Alberta Electric Utilities Act,” Drenth stated.

Funding for the study will be recovered as part of Transportation’s long-term Capital Improvement Program (CIP) budget. The City of Lethbridge said engagement with AESO has been done through the roll-out of their long-term plan with additional follow-up meetings. Further engagement between all affected parties will proceed as part of the AUC requirements, during the section process.