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Motorists navigate slippery streets during Lethbridge snow storm, November 2, 2022. (Photo: LNN)

City of Lethbridge declares snow routes active

Nov 2, 2022 | 2:12 PM

LETHBRIDGE, AB – The City of Lethbridge has declared Phase 1 snow routes active effective at noon today, November 2, 2022.

Motorists in Lethbridge are facing slippery streets as snowfall and strong winds whip through the city.

City officials say to facilitate effective snow plowing, temporary parking restrictions are now in effect. Motorists must remove all vehicles parked along Phase 1 snow routes.

The City of Lethbridge outlined the following measures:

· 24 hours from activation, vehicles left in Phase 1 parking lanes will be subject to parking tickets if they impede operation on these routes.

· These measures remain in effect until the City announces that snow routes are no longer active, and parking can resume along those routes.

City officials are reminding motorists to look for snow route status signs before parking along city streets. Phase 1 snow routes are identified with a blue snowflake tab on the upper side of snow route parking signs.

The City says snow routes can be activated by City Transportation Operations officials at any time when snow creates unsafe driving conditions.

Residents can call 311 with any concerns or inquiries, or they can sign up for notifications, view street maps, and provide feedback by visiting the City of Lethbridge Get Involved Lethbridge: Snow Control website.

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