St. Martha Elementary School hosts ‘Take What You Need’ event
LETHBRIDGE, AB- St. Martha Elementary School students are having their 5th annual ‘Take What You Need’ event. It occurs every Valentine’s Day as students in Kindergarten to Grade 6 present their art and show their appreciation and gratefulness to the citizens of Lethbridge.
The event is meant to spread joy and happiness across the community on Valentine’s Day by having free art on the fence for people to drive by and enjoy, and people can even take home one of the many decorations made by the students.
Kindergarten teacher Laurie McIntosh said many people have driven by the school to check out the art. “We’ve had dogs come by, firefighters come by, we’ve had a lot of people in the community come by. It’s all they want for Valentine’s Day,” she said.
McIntosh says she hopes all of the students’ art will be taken by the end of the day.