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The Holy Spirit Catholic School Division has announced that the provincial Budget 2023 includes funding for the construction of a new elementary school in west Lethbridge. (Photo: Holy Spirit Catholic School Division)

Province funding construction of new west Lethbridge elementary school

Mar 2, 2023 | 10:37 AM

LETHBRIDGE, AB – Construction on a new elementary school in west Lethbridge is set to begin in the near future.

As part of Budget 2023, the provincial government announced an investment of $2.3 billion over the next three years in school infrastructure.

One of the projects listed is a new K-6 school for the Holy Spirit Catholic School Division.

Division spokesperson Anisha Gatner said it will be located north of the Cavendish Farms Centre in west Lethbridge, in a subdivision called The Piers.

Gatner said the school division is still waiting to hear from the Government of Alberta how much money they will be getting for the project.

In a news release, Holy Spirit Board Chair Carmen Mombourquette said, “Our school division has been advocating for this new school project since 2015. We are very pleased to see the project gain approval and we look forward to working with many partners to see it come to fruition.”

Gatner added that the plan is to “upsize” the school gym so that it can be used by the public through a joint-use agreement with the City of Lethbridge.

Secretary-Treasurer with Holy Spirit Lisa Palmarin said there is a great need for a new school in Lethbridge, “Especially since Father Leonard Van Tighem School, a K-9 school that serves students on the northwest side of the city, is currently over capacity by approximately 250 students.”

Palmarin added, “Obviously, this overage is significant and we knew that an additional elementary school would help to alleviate these enrollment pressures.”

Gatner said the plan is to have capacity for about 400 students, and for construction on the school to be finished in about three years. A construction start date is not known at this time.

In addition to funding for the construction of the new west Lethbridge school, Budget 2023 also included funding for other projects in southern Alberta, including:

  • A gym project at École La Vérendrye in Lethbridge
  • A new high school in Raymond within the Westwind School Division
  • The modernization of the W.R. Myers and D.A Ferguson schools in Taber
  • The modernization of Coalhurst High School
  • The modernization of Galbraith Elementary School in Lethbridge

READ MORE: Alberta Budget 2023 includes investments in school infrastructure