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Gabrielle Kirk and Michael Lavorato have been awarded $15,000 by the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) for their water-wise solution for sustainable food production. (Photos: Gabrielle Kirk)

Two Lethbridge locals receive $15,000 prize for food sustainability project

Jul 30, 2023 | 8:00 AM

LETHBRIDGE, AB – Two people from Lethbridge have won a prize for their work in food sustainability.

Gabrielle Kirk and Michael Lavorato have been awarded $15,000 by the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) for their water-wise solution for sustainable food production.

Kirk and Lavorato lead Aquaponics World, which integrates aquaponics, a form of agriculture that combines raising fish and plants together in a balanced ecosystem.

In aquaponics, the water is rich with nutrients from raising fish, which creates a natural fertilizer for the plants, and the plants help to purify the water for the fish.

According to the Aquaponics World website, the process allows plants to grow three times faster, and can be done year-round indoors. The company lists lettuce, tomatos, strawberries and kale, among others, as plants well suited for aquaponics

Kirk said a major reason aquaponics is as important as it is, is due to how much water the process saves.

Kirk explained, “A key element is water conservation. It uses substantially less water than traditional growing methods, and it also prevents a lot of fertilizers from entering our natural waterways, and by doing that we prevent a lot of dead zones.”

The funding from the CEC comes as part of the Youth Innovation Challenge, which was introduced in 2016. This year’s category was to present innovative solutions that address and respond to critical issues related to water.

Kirk said, “I thought our project fit quite well for it so I decided to apply. I think there were about 70 applicants and then we were the winner for it for Canada.”

Kirk added there were two winners for projects in the United States and two in Mexico.

Kirk and Lavorato were also invited to the CEC’s Annual Commission for Environmental Cooperation Council Session in Victoria from June 28 to 29, 2023. They were featured on a panel discussion along with Minister of Environment and Climate Change of Canada Steven Guilbeault.

Information about Aquaponics World and their methods can be found on the company’s website.

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