Supportive housing complex, new intox spaces announced to deal with the opioid crisis in Lethbridge
LETHBRIDGE – Residents have been hounding Lethbridge City Council for months and months to do something about the local opioid crisis.
Mayor Chris Spearman has relayed time and again it’s a joint venture with the province to deal with the issue, and on Friday, Dec. 7, the province announced a few new supports that will be coming in 2019.
A new, permanent supportive housing complex for Lethbridge will support adults experiencing homelessness who have complex issues such as substance use. The $11 million project will provide safe accommodations for 42 people.
In addition, the provincial government is investing $1.6 million to create up to 30 new intox spaces in the city, and these spaces will provide a safe place for people to stay while they sober up. Intox services can help reduce disruption to neighbourhoods and businesses, and also include access to services like housing programs and health care.