Alberta post-secondaries to create new “micro-credential” programs
LETHBRIDGE, AB – The Government of Alberta has announced funding for the creation of new micro-credential programs at post-secondary schools across the province.
A total of $8 million will support the development of 69 new micro-credential programs at 21 schools.
Minister of Advanced Education Demetrios Nicolaides says these will allow unemployed and under-employed Albertans to quickly re-skill or upskill and meet the ever-evolving needs of industries.
“Micro-credentials empower Albertans to develop the job-ready skills they need to be successful and build new careers, while ensuring employers have access to the talent they need to grow their business,” says Nicholaides. “I’m thrilled we’re able to expand this program in a meaningful way that supports our students, post-secondary institutions, employers and industry to secure Alberta’s future.”