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Lethbridge mayor Blaine Hyggen at the Mayor's Community BBQ in 2022. The 2023 event is set to take place on Tuesday, August 22 outside of Lethbridge City Hall. (File photo: LNN)

Mayor’s Community BBQ returns to Lethbridge as part of kick-off to Whoop-Up Days

Aug 15, 2023 | 12:14 PM

LETHBRIDGE, AB – Blaine Hyggen is all set to host his second Mayor’s Community BBQ.

The Lethbridge mayor will be grilling burgers and hot dogs for citizens following the annual Whoop-Up Days Parade on Tuesday, August 22, 2023.

The luncheon is set to start at 11:30 a.m. and takes place in front of Lethbridge City Hall. Hyggen said, “It’s going to be a big crowd, so you’ll want to get there fairly early.”

He noted that the summer event in 2022 was well attended, “so this year here, we’ve kind of doubled some of the food etcetera, so we’ll make sure that everybody gets fed, or as many as we possibly can.”

READ MORE: Long lines, excitement as Mayor’s Community BBQ kicks off Whoop-Up Days

In addition to burgers, hot dogs, and live music from Trevor Panczak, Hyggen said the event will provide residents with an opportunity to speak with council members and City of Lethbridge officials.

The mayor stated, “It’s a time to just come and socialize with those council members.”

Hyggen added, “So often, [when] we see myself and my colleagues, we’re in that political setting, so let’s just rub shoulders and chat about everyday things.”

Gate admission to Whoop-Up Days is free for 2023, with the event running from August 22 to 26. Attendees will be able to enjoy live music, midway rides, a ‘Living Dragons’ exhibit, and more during the multi-day festival.

READ MORE: Admission to Whoop-Up Days free in 2023

READ MORE: Music lineup announced for 2023 Whoop-Up Days

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