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The City of Lethbridge is implementing some changes to snow and ice control services in winter 2023. (File photo: LNN)

City of Lethbridge adjusting snow and ice control practices in winter 2023

Oct 5, 2023 | 3:28 PM

LETHBRIDGE, AB – The City of Lethbridge is expanding snow and ice control services as the winter season approaches. In response to residential feedback and approval from City Council, phase two snow and ice control changes will take effect and will include a larger road network.

Some of the changes citizens will notice this winter season include:

· More residential plowing and less snow removal. Officials stated that snow removal will be maintained in the hospital area, downtown and around schools.

· Snow routes will be activated during heavy snow events. The measure will include temporary parking restrictions with enforcement.

· Snowplows will start plowing to the right on roughly 83 kilometres of selected snow route roadways

Darwin Juell, Transportation Manager said, “In 2021, we asked residents and stakeholders what they thought about our snow and ice clearing practices and they provided some great feedback which we used to develop changes.”

Juell added, “Last winter we piloted the changes on approximately 23 kms of residential streets. We thank all residents who used the affected roadways regularly for their cooperation and feedback. This season, we’re expanding the network of snow routes to include a total of 83 kms of roadway.”


The City of Lethbridge noted that residents located on new snow routes (phase two) will receive a post card outline the tools and ways to stay informed. Those who are located on roads that were included last winter (phase one) will get a reminder letter with similar information.

Properties that are adjacent to snow routes are encouraged to:

Officials added that school zones and areas around the hospital will be excluded from snow route clearing and maintain historical snow removal methods.


When heavy snowfall hits, the City of Lethbridge may activate snow routes. When these are activated, the included roadways are subject to temporary on-street parking restrictions. Snowplows will push the snow to the right of the road and a windrow could develop along driveways, curbs and boulevards.

Community members are advised to watch for the blue snowflake tab on snow route parking signs, as well as check the status of the snow route before parking on the street during the snowy season.

Julianne Ruck, Transportation Operations Manager stated, “We encourage residents to stay in the know when we have a heavy snowfall. These changes allow us to be more efficient with municipal resources and keep Lethbridge on the move in winter.”

More about snow and ice control is available at the City of Lethbridge website.

READ MORE: Lethbridge News Now.

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