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Cyndi Bester, the CEO of the Lethbridge Chamber of Commerce. (Photo: Austin Knibb)

Year in Review: Cyndi Bester, Lethbridge Chamber of Commerce CEO

Jan 2, 2024 | 5:00 AM

LETHBRIDGE, AB – The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Lethbridge Chamber of Commerce is celebrating the successes of 2023.

Cyndi Bester said 2023 was “a big year for us, in a couple of different ways”. She shifted back to the end of 2022, as Team Lethbridge, comprised of a group of community leaders, visited Edmonton in order to network and build connections to benefit the local community.

Bester said team members, including representatives from the Chamber, were able to meet with “almost every Minister in Edmonton,” which propelled them forward into 2023.

From a policy point-of-view, Bester said the last 12 months have been a success.

She stated, “In May [2023], we were successful with the policy called Creating an Effective Workforce for the Changing Economy, which we know is an issue – that comes out of [the] Brighter Together Survey that we partner with Economic Development [Lethbridge].”

Bester continued, “Human resources and the challenges behind that are just arising all the time, and of course the other one [policy] was Addressing Rising Electricity Costs for Alberta SMEs and Citizens. Who isn’t talking about all the electrical costs and gas costs right now? That was a really important one to get on the books, and then the last one was Investing in Market Access for Southern Alberta Business.”

She said these policies cover issues seen not only in Lethbridge, but across the province and country. Bester added that they presented two more policies at the federal level.

She said one focused on strengthening post-secondary education and increasing funding for research, while the other touched on closing the national digital divide.

Bester remarked, “And that [was] touched base on a couple of years ago, when we really started that broadband study and realized that we were not as effective in access or equal access for broadband, and that was exciting to see that we’ve had quite a few, we call them ‘policy wins’.”


In June, Randy Helm was named the new Chair of the Lethbridge Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors. Bester said he has flourished in the role.

She remarked, “It’s been great working with him, just a different lens and a different perspective.”

Meanwhile, Helm told Lethbridge News Now in June, “I’ve been involved with the [Lethbridge] Chamber for a number of years. It’s actually my second time with the Chamber. The first time I was on the board, but I also did committee work and that.”

He continued, “I have a passion for business in this city and, you know, what business means to the city. It’s a great place to do business. It’s a great community. To be part of that is a big gift.”

Helm’s responsibilities include working with the board “to make sure that we can talk about policy and make sure that we can move those [policies] forward so that they’re for all the benefit of the business.”


Although 2023 saw many successes for the Chamber, Bester said there were some challenges.

Bester cited a provincial investment of $12.4 million announced in September to create nearly 2,000 new apprenticeship seats across Alberta, in an effort to meet increased demands for tradespeople. Although the investment is welcome, Bester believes more seats are needed.

READ MORE: Lethbridge College celebrates Apprenticeship Day, provincial funding announced

She also cited funding of $16 million announced in late November by the province for affordable housing projects. The Lethbridge Housing Authority received $400,000, and like the apprenticeship funding announced in September, Bester said more is needed.

READ MORE: Funding announced for affordable housing units and providers, including in southern Alberta

She said, “That is something we really are going to work on [in 2024], and our policy is really revamping our affordable housing and access to housing in our policy work [in 2024].”


Bester said for the new year, she is looking forward to seeing the results of the Brighter Together Survey, which offers a view of some of the highs and lows facing local businesses. Bester voiced excitement for the State of the City Address with Lethbridge mayor Blaine Hyggen, set for January 18, 2024.

She said, “That’s always a good start to the year. We see from our Brighter Together [Survey] how we can partner with the City [of Lethbridge] and make that work. It’s really important to make those connections early in the year, so we’re excited about that.”

Bester is also looking forward to the continued growth of the Young Business Professionals Mentorship Program, which launched in 2022.

READ MORE: Lethbridge Chamber invites young professionals to join mentorship program

She said, “It was fantastic to see, because we need to learn how to work together across all generations and all experience levels and that has really helped us as a Chamber, get in with the middle management who are eager to get that experience and connect with some more seasoned professionals out there, so that’s been phenomenal. It’s been a great program this year.”

Bester had the opportunity to serve as a mentor, and still keeps in touch with her mentee.

She remarked, “To see all the exciting things that she’s accomplishing in her career, it’s so heartwarming and you know, it gives you that faith in the future that sometimes we don’t always get to see.”

READ MORE: Lethbridge Chamber of Commerce hosts 2023 Business Awards

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