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Lethbridge-West MLA Shannon Phillips (centre) and Lethbridge-East NDP Candidate Rob Miyashiro (right) provide details on a new NDP healthcare strategy, February 17, 2023. (Photo: Alberta NDP)

Alberta NDP pledges Family Health Teams and Lethbridge tops the list

Feb 17, 2023 | 3:09 PM

LETHBRIDGE, AB – The Alberta NDP has laid out a key part of its healthcare plan ahead of the 2023 Alberta provincial election.

Lethbridge-West MLA Shannon Phillips and Lethbridge-East NDP candidate Rob Miyashiro provided details of the NDP’s proposed model of Family Health Teams in Lethbridge on Friday, February 17, 2023.

Phillips explains that Family Health Teams would have a wide range of healthcare professionals working out of one location so that patients can more easily seek the care that they need.

The teams can include multiple family doctors, as well as nurse practitioners, registered and licensed practical nurses, mental health therapists, pharmacists, social workers, dietitians, community paramedics, community health navigators, physiotherapists, midwives, speech language therapists, and other health care providers.

Phillips says, “At a primary care practice, you will have immediate access to a range of primary care professionals who can and will help you with questions, managing chronic conditions, and supporting you in maintaining good health throughout your life, both physically and mentally.”

She adds that Family Health Teams will result in fewer people going to emergency rooms for non-urgent matters, freeing up emergency department doctors to focus on more critical patients.

According to Phillips, the Alberta NDP plans to “quickly” establish 10 new Family Health Teams across Alberta if elected, and that Lethbridge “will be on the top of that list to receive one.”

There is a precedent for Family Health Teams in southern Alberta, as Phillips says The Taber Clinic already does a great job in this area. The clinic provides services such as family care, X-rays, laboratory services, ultrasounds, respiratory home services, and adaptive technology.

Phillips says, “The clinic in Taber serves 16,000 Albertans, and each doctor is able to take on a higher volume of patients compared to traditional practices, as many of the patients’ needs can be looked after by an allied health professional.”

She adds that, “This system saves money too. The Taber Clinic saved the healthcare system more than $62 million over 10 years, according to a recent study by the Health Quality Council of Alberta.”

Miyashiro says far too many people in Lethbridge do not have access to a family doctor and that “a lack of access to family medicine is becoming an increasing problem across the province.”

Given his experience as a former Lethbridge City Councillor and as the Executive Director of the Lethbridge Senior Citizen’s Organization, Miyashiro says he hears all too often that basic medical services are difficult to come by.

The governing United Conservative Party has made a series of healthcare-related announcements recently in the lead up to the provincial election.

These include a $158 million plan to attract and retain healthcare workers and a strategy to lower EMS response times.

The Alberta 2023 provincial election is set to be held on May 29, 2023.

READ MORE: Alberta announces $158 million Health Workforce Strategy

READ MORE: Diverting non-emergency 911 calls freeing up ambulances in Alberta: province