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All of Alberta is under a heat warning. (Photo: Marianvejcik |

Heat warning remains in effect across Alberta

Jul 22, 2024 | 4:18 AM

High temperatures will continue to persist in Alberta.

Environment Canada says the province-wide heat warning remain in effect.

Daytime highs are expected to be between 28 and 37 degrees Celsius while overnight lows will range from the mid-teens to the low 20’s, “and will not provide much relief from the daytime heat.”

The hot conditions are expected to persist into the coming weekend for parts of southern Alberta, while relief in the northwest is expected around mid-week.

Some tips to stay safe from the heat include:

  • Consider rescheduling outdoor activities to cooler hours of the day.
  • Take frequent breaks from the heat, spending time in cooled indoor spaces where possible.
  • Drink plenty of water and other non-alcoholic, non-caffeinated beverages to stay hydrated. –
  • Check for your children or pets before you exit your vehicle. Do not leave any person or pet inside a closed vehicle, for any length of time.

At particular risk are children, seniors and those with chronic health conditions.